Re: extract text from a PDF file with JAVA

"Oliver Wong" <>
Wed, 02 Aug 2006 17:34:19 GMT
"Sergio" <> wrote in message

Lars Enderin ha scritto:

The method is declared private. It's not supposed to be called from
outside the class.

first af all thanks for the answers.
i've made that method public before calling it.
My procedure's call is this (very simple):

File f = new File("sample.pdf");
String text = new String();
PdfParser p = new PdfParser();
Document doc = p.parse(f);
text = p.getContents();

These the errors displayed on the console:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException:
at com.etymon.pj.PdfParser.parse(
at com.etymon.pj.PdfParser.getNextXref(
at com.etymon.pj.PdfParser.getXref(
at com.etymon.pj.PdfParser.getObjects(
at com.etymon.pj.Pdf.readFromFile(
at com.etymon.pj.Pdf.<init>(
at PdfParser.getContents(
at PdfParser.parse(
at PdfParser.parse(
at Prova.main(

Thanks in advance for your interest.

    Please show the parse method of the file com.etymon.pj.PdfParser. Be
sure to include line 427.

    - Oliver

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