Re: Play audio clip in an Application

Knute Johnson <>
Thu, 11 Jan 2007 19:18:56 -0800
<y6Dph.153599$gl2.124343@newsfe16.lga> wrote:

I'm trying to play an audio clip by using Applet's newAudioClip()
method. That method takes a URL. The .wav file is located in a jar file
(the only jar file). For example:
if myJar.jar is the only jar file
"java -jar myJar.jar" launches the application correctly and everything
is wonderful. My audio clip won't play because I don't know how to
access the .wav file from the jar file.

This code snippet works fine when I'm not running from the jar file:

            File currentDir = new File(".");
            URL currentDirURL = currentDir.toURL();
            URL url = new URL(currentDirURL, fileName);
            AudioClip clip = Applet.newAudioClip(url);
        catch (Exception e)

It knows to look for the sound file in the current directory. How do I
adjust this code to look for the sound file in the jar.

I have a feeling it's an easy answer involving class.getResource().....

You answered it yourself - URL Class.getResource(String name)


Knute Johnson
email s/nospam/knute/

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