Re: output stream with out.flush HELP NEEDED BAD!

"Daniel Pitts" <>
7 Feb 2007 19:58:06 -0800
On Feb 7, 7:35 pm, "spidey12345" <> wrote:

    PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new

    out.println("Encrypted text with monoalphabetic subsititution: ");
    int line = 1;
    for(int i = 0; i<size; i++)

                out.print(" ");

                line = line +1;
        if(line%11 ==0)

        line = line+1;

    }// end for loop

    // frequencies: and it's index of coincidence

    out.println("Frequencies: ");

this is part of my code, simply the when i try to print out the
frequencies words, it won't let me, does it have to do with
any other way to do this

What do you mean it won't let you? Does it give an exception? Does it
not output what you expect?

Its hard for me to tell you whats going on, because your code is out
of context.

Try posting an sscce <>
This will make it easier for us to help you.

I don't see where you actually try to print out the frequencies, which
is exactly what your asking about. Thats like telling the doctor you
have a rash on your foot, and only showing him your hands.

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