Re: How to find directory of web app in an axis web service
jeremy wrote:
On Apr 19, 7:44 pm, Arne Vajh?j <> wrote:
jeremy wrote:
I've built an axis web service, and I am reading a properties file
using the code below. The problem is that depending on the
configuration of tomcat, the default location to read the file from
could theoretically be anything.
What I want is to read the file from a subdirectory in the axis
directory, but I don't want to hard code that, so how can I determine
programatically where the axis directory is located, or what the
directory of the web service is?
Properties properties = new Properties();
Why not read it as a resource from the classpath ?
Can you give me an example of how to do that?
Properties p = new Properties();
where are either WEB-INF/classes/
or WEB-INF/lib/something.jar!
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