Re: How to catch everything?

"Andrew Thompson" <u32984@uwe>
Thu, 12 Jul 2007 06:28:52 GMT
<750c81d9ac61e@uwe> wrote:

I have this code:

This code I would call a 'snippet'. Please consider posting
compilable code in future, as it makes it much simpler for
people to help. By 'compilable', I specifically mean an

Nevertheless, I would suggest a variety of changes to this
snippet, partly based on misunderstandings observed in
the thread, and partly on making it closer to an SSCCE.

 public static Universe gLoadUniverse(String uvName) {

Huhh? A frickin' 'Universe'?! Try loading a Galaxy, Nebula,
Stellar System, Planet, Moon or even a plain ol' Java
*Object* successfully, before worrying about loading
one (or more) Universe's!

   try {
     System.out.println("I'm here");

Where's 'here'? On my box, running in Sun's JRE,
in a typical situation, that would be the 'command line'
where that string appears for me. It means little more..

      System.out.println("Start of try");
..means a little more.

     ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new
     System.out.println("I'm here");

And this? An identical string? Counting Strings to
find the location in the source is an horrendous idea.
I suggest instead..
      System.out.println("ois: " + ois);
which is not only an unique (so far) and specific string,
but also gives us some information on that OIS. For
example, is OIS 'null'?

But I will take it further.

Code that is broken, should do only *one* thing at a
time, and it should check *each* step. This is how I
might write those two lines.

      // ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new
     // FileInputStream("C:/a.obj"));
     // TOO BIG A CHUNK!
    File drive = new File( "C:" );
    System.out.println("drive: " + drive + " \texists: " + drive.exists() );
    // uses the correct path separator for OS
    File file = new File( drive, "a.obj" );
    System.out.println("file: " + file + " \texists: " + file.exists() );
    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
    System.out.println("fis: " + fis );
    ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
    System.out.println("ois: " + ois);

..obviously this would not be the way to write production
code, but this is experimental code where we are trying
to figure what is going wrong, so the extra lines/effort
make sense.

Of course, logging would be a better way to get output
at this level, and I am almost surprised that Lew has
not already taken the opportunity to extoll its virtues. ;-)


   catch (Exception e) {

..As Patricia(?) and others have pointed out, that
does not cover Errors.

     System.out.println("I'm here " + e.getMessage());

This is good strategy, and should usually get
the goods on what went wrong, assuming the
problem is caught, but it makes the previous line
somewhat redundant..

     return null;

It prints out the first to I'm here's, but nothing else.and quits.

That seems to be beyond the point to which I
was explaining, but both recode the code in the
early part, and carry that principle through to any
other code before proceeding (I recommend).

in "Universe uv = (Universe) ois.readObject();" something goes wrong,
but I don't get any feedback whatsoever.

That seems very odd, unless other code, not shown*,
is swallowing exceptions or errors - not printing them.

...Is there something else that
I may not be catching?

Error, but I don't think that, in itself, explains the
behaviour you are *not* seeing (some error output,
if nothing else). This brings me back to..
* An SSCCE that demonstrates the behaviour.
Preferably one with a 'path' String fed in main()
(that can be easily found and changed), that first
writes a simple Object, then reads it back in.

Andrew Thompson

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