Re: Java/OOP Question/Problem

Lew <>
Fri, 08 Feb 2008 10:42:14 -0500
GArlington wrote:

This is NOT true: you can always downcast (i.e. child [subclass] to

"Downcasting" in Java refers to casting from parent to child. "Upcasting" is
child to parent.

parent [superclass]), but you have to provide a separate constructor
in your subclass to accept superclass as param and create a subclass
from superclass in order to be able to cast to child [subclass].

That is not at all true, or even sensible.

Stefan Ram explained it in detail in his post upthread.

You can downcast from a variable type to any subclass of that type provided
that the object actually is of that subclass type at runtime. No special
constructor needed. For example:

Writer wr = new FileWriter( file );
// widening conversion, i.e., upcast - no cast operator

FileWriter fw = (FileWriter) wr;

Legal even though FileWriter contains no constructor that accepts a Writer nor
any that accepts a subtype of Writer.


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