Re: To wrap or not to wrap?
Aaron Fude <> writes:
These functions catch exceptions and return null
You must like the classic C idiom
if( f = fopen( "alpha", "r" ))
{ use( f );
close( f ); }
{ handle_failure( "alpha", "r" ); }
more than exception idioms like
{ f = fopen( "alpha", "r" );
{ use( f ); }
{ close( f ); }}
catch( final Exception exception )
{ handleFailure( "alpha", "r", exception ); }
I also like structured programing, and it is not easy
for me to cope with the exception style. I hope that
I at least have done the above translation correctly.
The above code already looks complicated, but it becomes even
more complicated, when you need to obtain and release
/multiple/ resources. This should be done as a kind of
transaction: When you need n resources, you might have
obtained m already (m < n), but the next attempt might
fail. Then you need to return to a orderly state and
release exactly those resources that have been allocated
so far and report the whole operation to be failed. So
the above patterns need to be nested, which makes the
result even more complicated.
I have invented another style, that use an object to handle
control flow and should take care of the problem to allocate
multiple resources
Here is an example (explanation follows below):
public void digest( final file )
{ final de.dclj.ram.system.program.Program program
= new de.dclj.ram.system.program.Program();
final fileInputStream =
program.'new'( file ); /* first attempt */
final bufferedInputStream =
program.'new'( fileInputStream );
final messageDigest =
program.'new'( type );
if( program.succeeded() )
{ this.process( bufferedInputStream, messageDigest ); }
{ java.lang.System.out.println( program.'opening exceptions'() ); }}
{ program.close();
if( !program.closed() )
{ java.lang.System.out.println( program.'closing exceptions'() ); }}}}
A preprocessor converts everything withing single quotes to
Java names. This is not necessary for this approach, but just
an additional convenience.
The operation ?this.process? needs three resources: A file
input stream, a buffered input stream and a message digest.
The object ?program? has operations to request the allocations
needed. If the first attempt fails, it will skip the next two
attempts and ?program.succeeded()? will be false. The client
above does not have to use ?if? or ?try? for each attempt.
He can request the exceptions from the program object.
?program.close()? will then close exactly those resources that
have been obtained successfully before, because ?program? has
kept track of the release operations required to release
everything that has been allocated successfully using this
program object.
Drawback: Each type of resource needs a special implementation
in ?de.dclj.ram.system.program.Program?, and right now there are
only few types implemented. I will add additional code as I
need it. See also:
(with links to the source code.) This is part of the library