Re: Java Sound mp3 support?

Knute Johnson <>
Wed, 15 Jul 2009 11:06:21 -0700
Keith Thurman wrote:

Matt Humphrey wrote:

"Keith Thurman" <kpthurma@negatroid.ube.invalid> wrote in message

In my quest to get mp3 support in Java, I landed at

I'm currently using JMF2.1.1e for a Linux / Fedora Core 5 jukebox
playing mp3's under JRE 1.5.0_07. I use the javamp3 plugin, with
these instructions.

Note that these instructions require placing jmf.jar into the jre's
ext folder, which is usually not a good installation technique, but
does work here. Also, you have to run a registration program once
upon installation.

Thanks, but this doesn't quite work either.

Installer downloaded and ran without a hitch.

The registration fails:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/media/codec/audio/AudioCodec

Supposedly, this should affect only JMF, and not direct use of
javax.sound.sampled.*, but ...

javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem.getAudioFileTypes() still returns only

Playing a test mp3 produces

javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException: line with format MPEG1L3
44100.0 Hz, unknown bits per sample, stereo, unknown frame size, unknown
frame rate, not supported.

This is not the same exception I originally got, which said the file
format was unrecognized. Now it apparently can *recognize* MP3, but
cannot *decode* MP3, presumably because the AudioCodec class is missing
and is needed for compressed sound formats.

Obviously some dependency is missing.

This happens installing the MP3 plugin into a clean install of Java 6.
What, besides Java itself and everything that comes with it, are the
prerequisites of the plugin you linked me to? Is it possible the JMF
itself wasn't included in the "full" install of Java 6?

JMF is not required to get the MP3 plugin to work with JavaSound. The
problem I think you will find is that MP3 plugin does not play all of
the formats that exist. It too is pretty old and has not been updated
in several years. The tritonus libraries might be a better option but
I'm not an MP3 expert.


Knute Johnson
email s/nospam/knute2009/

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