Re: HTTPUrlConnection does not download the whole page

Lew <>
Wed, 03 Feb 2010 15:33:21 -0500
Lew wrote:

        while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {


It's a bit strange that you use '\n' as the line terminator when it's apparent
from your code example that you're using Windows.

Lothar Kimmeringer wrote:

So? It's HTML, so it's unimportant if and how lines are separated

There's no evidence from the OP that the output is to an HTML renderer. He
also uses 'System.out.println()' heavily, indicating that it is not.

(it's whitespace anyway), you don't need to cope with different
line-separators when processing it later on. Using a PrintStream
does the replacement from any line separator to the system specific
one automatically for you if you wish to give it out platform dependent.

Now that makes sense.

IMHO using System.getProperty("line.separator") everywhere in
your code is as useful as creating File-instances like
new File(basedir + System.getProperty("path.separator") + subdir, name);
instead of
new File(path1 + "/" + subdir, name);


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