Dir filter how to set ?

"moonhk" <moon_ils-se@yahoo.com.hk>
16 Aug 2006 23:50:17 -0700
Now. Output as below, I want just list out *.java , how to using filter


     1 i = 60, 2003-01-22 23:01:02, .\testing\template.java
     1 i = 61, 2003-01-12 01:38:02, .\testing\Triangle.class
     1 i = 62, 2003-01-21 22:32:28, .\testing\user.home
     1 i = 63, 2003-01-17 20:27:54, .\testing\Vehicle.class
0 i = 100, 2006-08-12 00:58:44, .\testing.class
0 i = 101, 2005-07-31 00:27:58, .\testing.java
0 i = 102, 2005-07-22 08:50:19, .\Thread
     1 i = 0, 2005-07-21 22:59:16, .\Thread\MaskingThread.class
     1 i = 1, 2003-02-14 12:01:16, .\Thread\MaskingThread.java
     1 i = 2, 2003-03-01 23:18:20, .\Thread\ThreadDemo.java
     1 i = 3, 2005-10-04 10:48:10, .\Thread\WithThread.java
0 i = 103, 2005-08-04 10:42:30, .\unicode

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.text.*; // For DateFormat

public class Dir {
        static int indentLevel = - 1;
        Dir (String path) {
                listPath (new File (path));

        void listPath (File path) {
                File files []; //List of files in a Directory
                indentLevel++; // Going Down...

                // Create list of files in this dir
                files = path.listFiles();

                // Sort with help of Collections API
                        for (int i= 0, n=files.length ; i < n ; i++) {
                                for (int indent = 0 ; indent <
indentLevel; indent++) {
                                        System.out.print(" ");
                // DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd
                DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd
                Date date = new Date(files[i].lastModified());
                //String s =
                String s = df.format(date);

                System.out.println(indentLevel + " i = " + i + ", " +
s + ", " +

                if (files[i].isDirectory()) {
                        indentLevel--; // and going up
                // Main
                public static void main (String args[]) {
                        new Dir(args[0]);


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