Re: Math.random()

maya <>
Sun, 16 Mar 2008 20:49:22 -0400
Lew wrote:

maya wrote:

the code you post today,

  public static File[] getImagesShuffled()

what is this? doesn't look like a method.. is it a class? I put this
class inside my class and call it from my class? it's an inner class,
right? sorry, this is why I get confused sometimes, how do I call
this class from inside my class?? not sure exactly what part of my
code to replace w/this code...

This is a method, lifted from my earlier post, that you put inside the
class. The parentheses are a clue. As is the 'return' statement before
the closing brace.

It is shown as a 'static' method, but could be implemented as an
instance method instead.

You call it from another method, such as main() in the same class, by an

  File [] shuffledImages = getImagesShuffled();

This was shown in my earlier post.

Defining methods:

Invoking methods:


ok, I found your earlier post, Lew, with the method and the call to it
(yes, it did look like a method to me, but I had never seen a method
declared like an array, so I was a bit confused..)
so now have done thus:

public class renameRandom {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
     int _indx;
     int indx;
     int iRenTo = 0;
     File newFile;

     // if no arg passed start naming of files @ "1"
     // else start at whatever no. is passed...
     if (null == args || args.length < 1 || args[0].equals("0")) {
       indx = Integer.parseInt("0");
     } else {
       _indx = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
       indx = _indx - 1;

     File [] shuffledFiles = getImagesShuffled();

     for (int i = 0; i < shuffledFiles.length; ++i) {
       iRenTo = ++indx;
       newFile = new File(iRenTo + ".jpg");
       System.out.println( shuffledFiles[i] + " -- of ::: " + newFile +
" -- nf" );


   public static File[] getImagesShuffled() {
     File directory = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
     File[] files = directory.listFiles( new FileFilter() {
       public boolean accept( File file ) {
         return file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".jpg");
     } );
   Collections.shuffle( Arrays.asList( files ) );
   return files;


and this works fine except I would like the option of running the class
again to shuffle the images again, but, just like before, once the files
are named 1.jpg, 2.jpg, etc.. (as opposed to orig names like
DSC_0004.JPG, DSC_0023.JPG, etc..) the renameTo() stmt gets IGNORED..
the images ARE being shuffled every time I run the class (as can be seen
by what the printout-stmt returns...), but they only get renamed the
first time I run the class (before imgs are named "1.jpg", etc..)
I have been working on this for about two hours now, still don't know why..

thank you..

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