Re: IT really works!!!

Lew <>
Tue, 15 May 2007 22:06:08 -0400
Christoph Burschka wrote:

Joshua Cranmer schrieb:

I will be making money easily. I am sure that there is some sort of
reward for turning in a marketer of a pyramid scam....

I only see this response, but not the original message. From what I have
read, this is because some news servers filter spam at the server side,
but the replies don't get filtered, so the spam indirectly gets through.

If this is correct, then replying to (or worse, quoting) spam in
newsgroups is actually a really bad idea because you ensure that a
message which a lot of users might have never seen spreads everywhere.

Actually, replying is better even if you missed the original post, because the
reply is so entertaining. And what harm does spreading the message do, if it
comes with the information to disabuse?

Of course, you are entitled to your opinion that the reply makes it worse.
Me, I saw the original post so it's all the same to me. I'm sorry you missed
it; these spam scammers are amusing in their utter stupidity. The OP sure
was. What a maroon!


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