Re: Specific parser with Ant
On 04.01.2008 14:38, ownowl wrote:
Robert Klemme a =E9crit :
On 03.01.2008 15:25, ownowl wrote:
I use eclipse and ant for build an application (EAR). So I'd like to =
generate a readme file constituted by comments of several sources cod=
Ideally I'd like to put two sp=E9chfic flags in source file and keep =
only the text between those flags. I looked around FilterChain and
FilterReader ant tasks, but I can not find a way who work well.
You could use a combination of "find" and "sed" to accomplish this.
Maybe you do not even need "find" from an "ant" script.
thanks Robert
I could use those commands, but they are unix commands (isn't it ?), an=
I must be windows compliant. And primarily, this readme generator is a =
part of several others ant tasks
Well, there's cygwin and there's "Windows Services for Unix". :-) But
maybe you find a sed implementation in Java. Of course, writing this in =
Java should not be too difficult either.
Kind regards
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