Dirk Bruere at NeoPax <dirk.bruere@gmail.com> wrote:
Andrew Thompson wrote:
On Jul 13, 4:49 am, markspace <nos...@nowhere.com> wrote:
Karl Uppiano wrote:
The spammers have really trashed this forum, and I can find no effective
way to filter them out. Is there a moderated version of this NG anywhere?
The trick to spammer is to use your killfile (K in Thunderbird) to
remove unwanted threads. As long as you do that proactively, there's
only a few spam each day to remove. It's not too bad.
I did a quick count of spam posts across the first 3
pages of c.l.j.p. as it is represented in GG. The 1st
page had 8, the 2nd 16, and the 3rd 19 out of 30 posts.
That is 43/90, or almost 50%. *
And that was not counting those trollish posts based
on the "Computer Programming Job in CA" idiot thread.
Is it possible your news server is taking some effort
to suppress spam posts?
* Yeah, yeah.. "Lies, damned lies & statistics."
This post listed for you?
MiD: <h3fn2j$nmh$6@news.eternal-september.org>
I think news.individual must filter out most of it.
NIN is one of the more astute servers, there are
others which are also free.
Seamus MacRAE/Series Experience is mixing a
free server and google groups to run his scam here.
The peering arrangements mean you will miss a lot of valid
posts were you to filter on the free server he uses.. and
then there is always GG to cope with.
And he will now nymshift anyway.. so any theories on "ignore
and he will go away"?
Forget them, there is way too much fertile ground for his
baits (machine work) in the two groups.
Someone has suggested he is Paul Derbyshire:
MiD: <4a5a9486$0$48233$14726298@news.sunsite.dk>
Early investigation shows SM/SE may well have run this scam
before, in these programming groups, using that Derbyshire
name and "Twisted" to play off each other.
Has anyone with a set history here have anything to offer on
that aspect of these groups?
belong to him here.
Note that Paul Derbyshire is a real identity not a web only one.