Re: How to display special (unicode) characters

Joshua Cranmer <>
Tue, 15 May 2007 21:02:42 GMT
J?rgen Gerstacker wrote:

On 15 Mai, 11:27, Hendrik Maryns <> wrote:

By choosing an appropriate font, i.e. one that contains glyphs for those
symbols. That is not a Java matter, but rather, you have to have such a

Yes, I know

This page

states, that
"The following character encodings are supported by JDK 1.1.7a and JDK
\u1F00 \u1FFF Greek Extended
is part of this list.
As I have installed JDK 6 on my system, I should be able to render
Greek Extended character.
But how??

Your question has been answered twice correctly, and the fact that you
still do not understand what is wrong means that you do not understand
what's going on.

When Java (or any application) is displaying text, it basically goes to
the font definition and looks up the pixels to draw each character. It
is the responsibility of the user to have appropriate fonts to be able
to draw said character, not the application in question.

For example, many GUI implementations have the ability to parse
character 10, LF. But if you were to look at any font, you would not see
a glyph defined for the LF character. In this case, the application is
setting new lines when it sees LF characters -- it supports the newline
character but most fonts cannot display them because of this special
processing. Similarly, most characters from 0-31 are not defined in font

The fact that JDK 1.1.7a, etc., can support the character encoding means
that it is capable of recognizing the characters and properly handling
them; it does not mean that it is guaranteed to have fonts installed to
use them. I can just as well parse Tamil font, but since I don't have a
Tamil font installed, I can't actually display it.

In short, get a monospaced font that has definitions for Greek Extended
characters and look up the font system for JDK 6.

NOTE: I understand that my explanation is oversimplified.

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