"Andrew Thompson" <u32984@uwe> wrote in messagenews:7861e17ba18ec@uwe...
timothy ma and constance lee wrote:
We have a list of Record with the unqiue key like account no, and sequence
no, ..
If every record has a unique key formed from account
& seqence number, how cany any two records be
identical, or duplicate?*
..and the rest of fields are exactly the same.
Any way for java to remove those duplicated records?
I do not fully understand the question.
The way you describe the records, I guess it
it might be something like (fixed width font
required for proper viewing)..
Acc. # | Seq. # | Field1 | Field2 | Field3
121045 2 cat dog fish
415386 3 giraffe dog fish
848345 7 cat dog fish
900277 4 frog cow whale
.and you are saying you want to remove duplicates
in Fields1 through 3. So the first and third record are
'duplicates' but the second (with Giraffe) and 4th are
Am I on track so far?
* If that is the case, and records 1 and 3 are
considered 'duplicates' which one should be
Andrew Thompson
Message posted via JavaKB.com
level. SImply using java to remove the duplicated one: