Re: Physical and logical fonts

Lew <>
Wed, 09 Jan 2008 09:46:53 -0500
RedGrittyBrick wrote:

I think I see what's confusing you. The logical font name intrinsically
"represents" no characters. It is only the mapping of physical fonts to
the logical font name that supplies the visual representations of
characters (i.e. glyphs).

Lets pretend I am a typographer, I create four monospaced truetype fonts
as follows:

1. RGB-LETR.TTF containing glyphs for characters ABCDEF...XYZ
2. RGB-NUMR.TTF containing glyphs for characters 0123456789
3. RGB-PUNC.TTF containing glyphs for characters ,.:;'`"~
4. RGB-BRKT.TTF containing glyphs for characters ()[]{}<>

Now I install those fonts and edit to associate these
four physical fonts with the Java logical font "monospace".

None of my physical fonts has glyphs for more than 26 characters.
But logical font "monospace" now has glyphs for 52 characters!

Instead of A-Z, 0-9 - imagine different (or overlapping) subsets of the
Unicode set. One fonts might have the math symbols, another the arabic
glyphs, and so on.

This opens an aftermarket for font sets that have compatible-aesthetics
glyphs. I want my cuneiform to be stylistically compatible with my accented
Latin characters. Runes and math symbols should not clash. 'Thorn' and
'Euro' should seem as if drawn by the same hand.


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