Re: FlowLayout and lightweight IDEs
On Aug 18, 12:58 pm, bH <> wrote:
And as an aside..
app.setSize(800,500); //explicitly sets the size
//app.pack(); // app.pack() makes the window
// exactly the right size for its laid out contents
The point of X-plat (version, PLAF) development is
that we, the devloper cannot know what size the GUI
will end up being, since hopefully it adapts to their
screen size, default font size (+ all the stuff alluded
to above).
That is why we must rely on layout managers (usually
nested) to achieve the best layout component layout
in a resizable GUI.
That GUI as it appears for me (pre pack()), has a
lot of vacant space above and below the buttons, is
that intended?
(That appears odd to me - I would tend to stack them
down (GridLayout) in the EAST constraint of a BorderLayout.)
(I am still not entirely clear on how you would
like the components initially laid out, or where
to add/remove space if resized.)
Andrew Thompson