Re: Pre-Fontal lobotomy (was Re: True font sizes)
Roedy Green wrote:
On Thu, 01 Oct 2009 15:57:18 +0100, RedGrittyBrick
<RedGrittyBrick@spamweary.invalid> wrote, quoted or indirectly quoted
someone who said :
I have not yet figured out how to pull this off in CSS.
This font size varying so widely cause big problems with CSS. You
specify a list of possible fonts for a style. Which one gets picked
depends on what the user has installed. Suddenly type grows or
shrinks for that style to double the size you intended! This is NOT a
good thing.
When your eyes grow as old as mine, Roedy (and I thought
they already had?), you may come to value the ability to
override some youngster's notion of what's legible.
(One site I view frequently offers a whole pile of Web
pages with body text so small I couldn't have read it when I
was twenty and twenty-twenty. Six pixels tall, tops, for the
capitals; less for most lower-case letters. Oh, sorry, I mean
"lower-case blots." Maybe the site thinks their pages will
load faster if the fonts are small ... Thank goodness for
Eric Sosman