Re: how to search an array of objects?

"Daniel Pitts" <>
8 Jan 2007 11:57:09 -0800
<> wrote:

hi all,

hope someone can help.

i have created a array of student objects -

each object has a string for student name
a float for mark
and a int for module number.

i need to be able to display the details for a paticular student when
the user types in the student name. so i'm thinking i need some way of
searching the array of student objects for a particular string and then
extract all details relating to that oject? not sure how though.



private Student[] students;

public Student findStudent(String name) {
    /* for every Student in the array */
    for (Student student: students) {
        /* Does the student have the right name */
        if ( {
            /* found the student */
            return student;
   /* didn't find the student */
   return null;

Although, a better approach would be:

public class StudentRecords {
   private Map<String, Student> studentByName
         = new HashMap<String, Student>();
   private Student[] students;
   public StudentRecords(Student...students) {
      this.students = students;
      for (Student student: students) {
          studentByName.put(, student);

  public Student findStudent(String name) {
    return studentByName.get(name);
  /* any other useful methods follow */

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