Re: How associate two HashMaps
javax.swing.JSnarker wrote:
Stefan Ram wrote:
Ricardo Nuno writes:
What do I need to associate a value, from one hashMap to a key from a
new HashMap
It is hard to parse this sentence with the comma.
=BBTo associate a value to a key=AB is a little bit vague.
My guess is that he wants a bidirectional map. For that you'd need a
custom class delegating to two internal HashMap instances. Something like
public class BidiMap<K,V> extends AbstractMap<K,V> {
In Apache Commons Collections 'BidiMap' is an interface with a double handf=
of implementing classes:
private Map<K,V> map1, map2;
private BidiMap<V,K> reversed;
public BidiMap () {
map1 = new HashMap<K,V>();
map2 = new HashMap<K,V>();
reversed = new BidiMap<K,V>(map2, map1, this);
private BidiMap (Map<K,V> map1, Map<K,V> map2, BidiMap<V,K> reversed=
) {
this.map1 = map1; this.map2 = map2; this.reversed = revers=
private BidiMap<V,K> getReversedMap () {
return reversed;
/* Map methods go here. View methods delegate to map1. Modifying
methods operate on both maps, but reverse key and value when
modifying map2. Also, if a value is already in map2, looks
it up in map2 to find the corresponding key and removes
that key from map1 before adding the new mappings to both maps.
Changes to the reversed map will be reflected in the original and vice
JSnarker's example is a good one for understanding the mechanics of the
bidirectional map. The Apache Commons libraries are the go-to source for
most convenience types not in the standard API.
If you need a different kind of association, well, there are all kinds of w=
to do that, as Stefan pointed out.
Another possibility is that you're looking for a way to associate more than=
one value with the same key. There are a number of ways to do that:
Here's one (not tried or even compiled here, so might need tweaking):
public interface Pair<L, R>
L getLeft();
R getRight();
public class BasePair<L, R> implements Pair<L, R>
private final L left;
private final R right;
public BasePair(L left, R right)
this.left = left;
this.right = right;
public L getLeft() { return left; }
public R getRight() { return right; }
public class MultiAssociator<K, L, R>
private final Map<K, Pair<L, R>> associator = new HashMap<>();
public Pair<L, R> put(K key, Pair<L, R> pair)
if (key == null || pair == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument cannot be null");
return associator.put(key, pair);
public Pair<L, R> put(K key, L left, R right)
return associator.put(key, new Pair<>(left, right));
public Pair<L, R> put(K key, L left)
if (key == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument cannot be null");
Pair<L, R> value = associator.get(key);
Pair<L, R> repla = value == null? new Pair<>(left, null)
: new Pair<>(left, value.getRight());
return associator.put(key, repla);
public Pair<L, R> put(K key, R right)
if (key == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument cannot be null");
Pair<L, R> value = associator.get(key);
Pair<L, R> repla = value == null? new Pair(null, right)
: new Pair(value.getLeft(), right);
return associator.put(key, repla);
public Pair<L, R> get(K key)
return associator.get(key);