Re: Interface Method with Interface Parameter

 Owen Jacobson <>
Thu, 01 Nov 2007 14:49:30 -0700
On Nov 1, 2:24 pm, wrote:

I must be breaking some rule of Object-Oriented Programming, but I
can't figure out how else to do it.

I have an interface, let's call it Formatter();

public interface Formatter {
   public void format(Item item);


pretty self explanantory.

Problem is that I want Item itself to be an interface because
implementors of Formatter will want to deal with their more specific
types if Item's. So I am forced to classcast to those more specific
types of Item's in the implementing classes of Formatter, which sends
up a red flag to me.

How else can I do this?

Generics might help here:

public interface Formatter<T> {
  public void format (T value);

However, I suspect you have a deeper design problem that this will
merely move around. Do you actually need all formatters for distinct,
non-overlapping value types to share a common interface? Why? Expand
a bit on how you're planning on using this and maybe there's a better
way :)


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