Re: Most efficient null avoidance

Eric Sosman <>
Tue, 11 Aug 2009 15:51:12 -0400
Frank Cisco wrote:

What's the most efficient way to avoid nulls when getting objects from array

     The most efficient way to get no nulls from an array is do away
with the array altogether and get nothing at all from it. That way,
you'll not never get no nulls. Efficiently.

     Moving on ...


    String eg = array.get("test");

     Funny-looking "array" you've got there. It looks more like a
Map<String,String>, or maybe ... something else?

    if(eg==null){eg="";} //without this then null pointer gets thrown...

        if(!eg.equals("EXAMPLE")){ //
            //do something

     Some people suggest "EXAMPLE".equals(eg), which just returns
false for a null value. But if you're going to make the comparison
against null anyhow ...

or maybe...

String eg = array.get("test")==null?"":array.get("test"); //neater but 2
lookups with this though

or maybe...

String eg=null;
    //do stuff

     ... this is likely to be quicker. It might be quicker still if
you took out the useless initialization of eg.

I take it the 3rd one is the most efficient?

     See start of response. Also: Have you *measured* the performance
of your code *and* found it inadequate *and* determined that String
comparisons are a significant impediment to speed? If not, your search
for ultimate efficiency is wasted effort.


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