Re: Why does this generic method need a cast on the return value?

"Mike Schilling" <>
Thu, 28 Jan 2010 15:25:58 -0800
This would be eaiser with an example that's properly indented and
doesn't involve inner classes, but I believe the problem is the

Your generic method

private <REQINFO, RESPINFO> RESPINFO submitRequest(
    REQINFO requestInfo,
    int readTimeout,
    ThingieFactory<REQINFO> requestFactory,
    ThingieFactory<RESPINFO> responseFactory)

can infer RESPINFO only from the type parameters of its fourth
argument, which in this case is

    new ThingieFactory()

This is a raw type, that is, it has no type parameters. Try

    new ThingieFactory<GenericRequestInfo> ()

david.karr wrote:

I'm constructing a generic method with a couple of type parameters,
and the method returns an instance of one of them. The function
parameters provided should allow the type parameters to be
determined. I've gotten all compile errors out of the generic
but I'm confused by what happens when I call the method. Eclipse
seems to think the method returns "Object", so it says it can't
convert the response without a cast.

The following is a very simplified version of my class, just to
demonstrate the problem. Note that I have two generic methods and
calls to them, one of them that doesn't display this symptom, and
other that does. The cast on the return value of "submitRequest()"
what I'm trying to get rid of.

package generics;

public class Generics {

   public Generics() {
       Bar bar;
       try {
           bar = doit(new Foo(), Bar.class);
       } catch (Exception ex) {

       GenericResponseInfo genericResponseInfo =
           // Why does this line need a cast?
           (GenericResponseInfo) submitRequest(new
(), 1000,
               new ThingieFactory() {
           public Thingie<GenericRequestInfo> createElem() {
               return null;
           new ThingieFactory() {
               public Thingie<GenericResponseInfo> createElem() {
                   return null;


   private <A,B> B doit(A a, Class<B> bclass) throws
InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
       return null;

   private <REQINFO, RESPINFO> RESPINFO submitRequest
(REQINFO requestInfo,
           int readTimeout,
           ThingieFactory<REQINFO> requestFactory,
           ThingieFactory<RESPINFO> responseFactory) {

       Thingie<RESPINFO> responseInfoElem =

       RESPINFO result = responseInfoElem.getValue();

       return (result);

   private static interface ThingieFactory<T> {
       Thingie<T> createElem();

   private static class Thingie<T> {
       public T getValue() { return null; }

   private static class GenericRequestInfo {

   private static class GenericResponseInfo {

   public static class Foo {

   public static class Bar {

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They are certainly not real citizens...
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