Re: Need help designing some JUnit tests
Rhino wrote:
Actually, my getLocales() method is really just a convenience method that
massages the results of Locale.getAvailableLocales() itself.
Just to be sure I'm using the term "convenience method" correctly, I'm
referring to a method I write that uses existing Java API methods but
that combines several lines of code into one or two. For example, since I
prefer my Locales list to be in alphabetical order, I've written this:
public Map<String, String> getLocales() {
Locale[] listOfLocales = Locale.getAvailableLocales();
Map<String, String> locales = new TreeMap<String, String>();
for (Locale singleLocale : listOfLocales) {
locales.put(singleLocale.toString(), singleLocale.getDisplayName
return locales;
As such, I don't know how to do a JUnit test on it, specifically how to
generate an expected result that can be compared to my actual result. It
seems self-evident that I have to get my expected result in a different
way than I get the actual result, otherwise, I'm not proving anything.
You seem to be assuming that a JUnit test requires an expected result.
Don't forget the assertTrue method, which lets you test arbitrary