Re: A problem regarding generics

Daniel Pitts <>
Sun, 06 Jun 2010 11:43:52 -0700
On 6/6/2010 4:02 AM, Vikram wrote:


In java generics, the following code gives compile time error.

List<Object> list = new ArrayList<String>(); // compile time error

Where as the following does not give any compile time error

List list = new ArrayList<String>();

If no generics is specified, isin't it implied that it contains
object? What is the reason the second statement does not give any
compile time error?

List<? extends Object> list = new ArrayList<String>(); // compiles fine

The difference between all three:

List<Object> list = new ArrayList<String>();
This says "A reference to List which can have any type of Objects added
and retrieved is assigned a List which can only have Strings added and
retrieved "

List list = new ArrayList<String>();
This says "A reference to a List which is of a Raw type, is assigned a
List which can only have Strings added and retrieved. "
The raw type remains as a backward compatibility in Java, and should not
be used in new code if possible.

List<? extends Object> list = new ArrayList<String>();
This says "A reference to a List which can have any Object retrieved,
but only objects of an unknown type can be added, is assigned a List
which can only have Strings added and retrieved. "

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