Re: generics

Daniel Pitts <>
Sun, 29 Apr 2012 16:48:50 -0700
On 4/29/12 4:39 PM, Arne Vajh?j wrote:

On 4/29/2012 7:13 PM, Neil Morris wrote:

With the following code, what is the difference from one written with
Bounded Type Parameters? the code has type 'Number' with the 'add'
method using the 'Integer' type. How can I stop a subtype from being
passed to the 'add' method?

public class Test<T> {
private T t;
public void add(T t) {
this.t = t;
public T get() {
return t;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Test<Number> test = new Test<Number>();
test.add(new Integer(10));

1) Since Number is abstract then it will always be instances
of subclasses that are passed.

2) The ability to pass subclasses or classes implementing interfaces
is an essential part of OOP - preventing that is not good.

3) If you really want to block it then get the required type
stored and make a very ugly test on type in add.

In the context of generics though, his question brings on new meaning.
It also sounds like a homework assignment.

When declaring the "type" of the "test" variable in main, you can say
"Test<? extends Number> test", which would mean that the "T" type in
Test "is some unknown type that extends Number". You will no longer be
able to pass *anything* into add.

The converse operation is "Test<? super Number>" which means that T can
"hold a Number", but not much else.

These are more useful when passing around collections of various sorts.

public void addStuff(Collection<? super Stuff> stuffs) {
    collection.add(new Stuff());
    collection.add(new SomethingThatExtendsStuff();

public void processStuff(Iterable<? extends Stuff> stuffs) {
    for (Stuff stuff: stuffs) {

Hope this helps.

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