Re: Why is that in JDK8: value used in lambda expression shuld be
effectively final?
On 02.01.2013 15:15, Steven Simpson wrote:
On 02/01/13 12:51, wrote:
I'm currently plaing with JDK8 and using
lambda-8-b69-windows-i586-17_dec_2012. I wonder why this does not
List<Integer> ints = new ArrayList<>();
int sum = 0;
ints.forEach(i -> {sum += i;});
The compiler error is "value used in lambda expression shuld be
effectively final"
It's the same reason why inner classes can't mutate local variables in
the enclosing scope. The method that accepts the lambda or inner class
instance cannot formally make any guarantee not to invoke the supplied
code in a non-serial way.
I don't think concurrency is the main reason. It has more to do with
the complexity involved in keeping the surrounding scope (local
variables on the stack) alive for an _indefinite amount of time after
the invocation of a method_. For mutations of references or POD values
in the surrounding scope this scope would need to stay around for as
long as the inner / anonymous class instance lives. In this case
public Runnable sample(int count) {
return new Runnable() {
public void run() {
while ( count > 0 ) {
variable "count" would need to be assignable at least as long as the
created instance lives. Same for any local variable declared inside the
method body. If it weren't we would not have proper closure semantics
(e.g. when returning two instances which refer the same variable from
the scope). Since the scope need to be kept for longer, it cannot
reside on the stack. That would introduce two different ways of local
variable access: one via the stack and one via some reference on the
heap. I guess since variable access is such a fundamental feature
language designers did not want to introduce this type of complexity.
(There could also be performance issues lurking.)
With "final" variables it's easy: just copy all used values or
references in hidden member variables of the created instance and be
done. Because original variables are final the scope does not need to
be kept around: since state of variables in the scope cannot change both
values cannot digress. And actually this is what is happening, as you
can see when disassembling code.
Example at github because the disassembly output is quite long.
The member is declared in line 140 and the constructor in 146. Also you
can see that the value of this field is used in line 195.
This does not change in Java 8 because compatibility with old code was
intended. lambdas are merely syntactic sugar for "old" Java features.
For anyone interested in the details I recommend to read
Kind regards
remember.guy do |as, often| as.you_can - without end