Re: JAVA - 2 maps of 2 objects, adding 1 element(objec) from 1st
map to the second object
On 10/14/2013 4:47 AM, wrote:
I have two obejcts: Person and Airticket.
This is Person:
public class Person {
private String surname;
private String name;
private String department;
private String city;
private int idPerson;
private Set<Airticket> personsAirtickets = new TreeSet<Airticket>();
This is Airticket:
public class Airticket {
private int idAirticket;
private Date date;
private String from;
private String where;
private String class;
private String airline;
private int price;
private int idPassenger;
I have 2 CSV files. One file is where persons are stored, second file is where the airtickets are stored.
I read the CSV files and stored the persons and airtickests .... both in a HashMap.
... in HashMaps with what as keys? For example, if the map of
Persons is keyed by their passenger ID's you can use the ID from
the Airticket to retrieve the Person, instead of searching
sequentially. However, that's a small matter.
Then I find the airticket for which idPerson == id Passenger.
So, now I want to add this airticket (object) to the TreeMap of person.
How can I do it?
This is what I tried but it doesn't work.
"Doesn't work." Very descriptive, that. Full of detail and
specificity. Provides all the information about your problem.
Fleshes out every nuance, brightens every dim corner, makes
plain even the most abstruse aspect. "Doesn't work." Great.
*HOW* doesn't it work?
void stickTogether(){
for (Airticket airtick : getMapAirtick().values()){
int idPassenger2 = airtick.getIdPassenger();
for (Person pers : getMapaPers().values()){
int idPassenger3 = pers.getIdPerson();
if (idPassenger2 == idPassenger3) {pers.getPersonsTickets.add(airtick);}
Given how little information you've provided it's impossible
to be certain, but I suspect you need to add `()' right after
Eric Sosman