Converting Struts OptionsCollection tag into Options
I wrote a [sample] simple screen with 2 html:selects [fromList, toList] and
2 buttons Add & Remove
using "html:optionscollection" tag and now need to rework the code using
"html:options collection="
<html:select property='selectedFromIds' multiple="true">
<html:optionsCollection property='fromList'/>
to something like [that is a piece of my existing application which I have
to follow since it already integrates to other things - gets populated from
DB, etc.]:
<html:select property="submissionType" multiple="true"
<html:options collection="SubmissionType" property="submissionTypeID"
labelProperty="submissionType" />
where the only related thing I have declared in the Form is:
public String submissionType[];
SubmissionType is a Class SubmissionType:
public class SubmissionType {
private String submissionType;
private String submissionTypeID;
... getters & setters
I tried directly:
<html:select property='selectedFromIds' multiple="true">
<html:options Collection='fromList'/>
So how do I convert the tags and probably the Java code as well ?
HTTP error:500 JspException: Cannot find bean under name fromList,
although have List fromList = form.getFromList ();
The original sample code is below:
public class StrutsAction2 extends DispatchAction {
public ActionForward init(ActionMapping actionMapping, ActionForm
actionForm, HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse
httpServletResponse) throws Exception {
System.out.println("In Init");
ControlForm form = (ControlForm)actionForm;
List fromList = form.getFromList();
fromList.add(new LabelValueBean("v1", "k1"));
fromList.add(new LabelValueBean("v2", "k2"));
fromList.add(new LabelValueBean("v3", "k3"));
return actionMapping.findForward("init");
public ActionForward add(ActionMapping actionMapping, ActionForm
actionForm, HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse
httpServletResponse) throws Exception {
System.out.println ("In Add");
ControlForm form = (ControlForm)actionForm;
List fromList = form.getFromList();
List toList = form.getToList();
String[] selectedFromIds = form.getSelectedFromIds ();
for(int i=0; i < selectedFromIds.length; i++) {
String id = selectedFromIds[i];
Iterator iterator = fromList.iterator();
boolean ok = false;
while( iterator.hasNext() && !ok) {
LabelValueBean lvb = (LabelValueBean);
if(lvb.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(id)) {
if(!toList.contains(lvb)) {
ok = true;
return actionMapping.findForward("add");
public ActionForward remove(ActionMapping actionMapping, ActionForm
actionForm, HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse
httpServletResponse) throws Exception {
System.out.println ("In Remove");
ControlForm form = (ControlForm)actionForm;
List toList = form.getToList();
String[] selectedToIds = form.getSelectedToIds();
for(int i=0; i < selectedToIds.length; i++) {
String id = selectedToIds[i];
Iterator iterator = toList.iterator();
boolean ok = false;
while(iterator.hasNext() && !ok) {
LabelValueBean lvb = (LabelValueBean);
if(lvb.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(id)) {
ok = true;
return actionMapping.findForward("remove");
public class ControlForm extends ActionForm {
private String[] selectedFromIds;
private String[] selectedToIds;
private List fromList = new ArrayList();
private List toList = new ArrayList();
.... getters/setters
<html:form action="/action2" method='POST'>
<%--html:select property='selectedFromIds' multiple="true"> <!--
that how it is in my sample >
<html:optionsCollection property='fromList'/>
<%--html:select property="submissionType" multiple="true"
styleClass="selectSmall" styleId="submissionTypeID"> <!-- that's how it is
in my Real application -->
<html:options collection="SubmissionType"
property="submissionTypeID" labelProperty="submissionType" />
<html:select property="selectedFromIds" multiple="true"> <!--
Shows me error that fromList bean is not declared -->
<html:options collection="fromList"/>
<input type="submit" onclick="form.action =''" value="Add"/>
<input type="submit" onclick="form.action
=''" value="Remove"/>
<html:select property='selectedToIds' multiple="true"> <!--
original sample to be converted -->
<html:optionsCollection property='toList'/>
Any help is Very appreciated.
Thank you in advance,