Re: Hibernate Insert Failing...
On Oct 15, 12:49 pm, Mongoose <> wrote:
On Oct 15, 2:42 am, ck <> wrote:
On Oct 14, 7:53 pm, Mongoose <> wrote:
On Oct 14, 10:32 am, Lew <> wrote:
However, I don't think the case is the root cause of the problem
because when I change the ReportDateTime from a Date to a String in
the Defect Class it works fine with the current case . . . .
As suggested by Lew, did you try using "timestamp"?
I tried to change all "date" types to "timestamp" types in the
hibernate .xml file but get the same error . . .
I need more information to solve this problem. Is there some logging
mechanism that might provide more info . . .
Ok, I think I was wrong about the "case issue" so I changed the
mapping file, bean, and .jsp to camel case (thanks Lew!) Now,
everything works fine except when I try to insert my dates. Now, what
I have is shown below. The property in question is: "reportDt".
When I try to do a Hibernate Insert for "reportDt" . . . I get
"Argument Type Mismatch".
/*** Portion of Main Bean **/
public class Defect extends ActionForm
//Form Bean For the Defect Entry Screen
private Integer defectId;
private String description;
private Integer priorityId;
private Date reportDt;
private Integer reporterUserId;
private Integer functionalAreaId;
private Integer statusId;
private String severity;
private Integer teamLeadId;
private Date detectionDateTime;
private Integer estFixTime;
private Integer actFixTime;
private Date statusDate;
private Integer assignedToUserId;
private Date assignedToDate;
private Integer fixedByUserId;
public Date getReportDt() {
return reportDt;
public void setReportDt(Date reportDt) {
this.reportDt = reportDt;
/******** End Portion of Main Bean *************/
/************ Portion of Hibernate Mapping .xml ************/
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD
<hibernate-mapping package="gov.ohio.odjfs.struts">
<class name="Defect" table="Defect">
<id name="defectId" type="integer" column="DEFECTID">
<generator class="native"/>
<property name="description" type="string"/>
<property name="priorityId" type="integer"/>
<property name="reportDt" type="timestamp" column="REPORTDATETIME"/>
<property name="reporterUserId" type="integer"/>
/*********** End portion of hibernate mapping .xml
/*********** Portion of data entry form .jsp ********************/
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/form.css" type="text/css">
<html:form action="adddefect" method="post">
<table class="tableinputform" >
<td><html:text property="description"/></td>
<td><html:text property="priorityId"/></td>
<td><html:text property="reportDt"/></td>
/********** End portion of data entry form .jsp ***************/