Class Struktur

Stefan Meyer <>
Fri, 13 Nov 2009 15:23:34 +0100
hello, i want to add a calss to a hass

The Dataclass is this

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package my.config;

  * @author smiefert
public class JConfigEntry {

     Integer CID;
     String ckey, cvalue, cdescription;

     // Alles l?schen
     public void clear() {

     // Setter
     public void setCID(Integer CID) {
         this.CID = CID;

     public void setCkey(String ckey) {
         this.ckey = ckey;

     public void setCvalue(String cvalue) {
         this.cvalue = cvalue;

     public void setCdescription(String cdescription) {
         this.cdescription = cdescription;

     // Getter
     public Integer getCID() {
         return this.CID;

     public String getCkey() {
         return this.ckey;

     public String getCvalue() {
         return this.cvalue;

     public String getCdescription() {
         return this.cdescription;

and i call it here

public class JConfig {
     // public Collection c = new LinkedList();
     // public Collection c = new ArrayList();
     // public Collection c = new LinkedList();
     // public Collection c = new HashSet();
     // public HashMap c = new HashMap ();
     // public HashMap c = new LinkedHashMap ();
     // public ArrayList data = new ArrayList();

     // public static ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> data = new
ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>();
     public static HashMap<String, HashMap> data = new
LinkedHashMap<String, HashMap>();

     public void JConfig() {
         String strSQL = "";
         JDb db = new JDb();
         strSQL = "SELECT " +
                 " CID, " +
                 " ckey," +
                 " cvalue," +
                 " cdescription " +
                 "FROM " +
                 " config " +
                 "ORDER BY " +
                 " ckey";
         try {
             while ( {
                 JConfigEntry c = new JConfigEntry();

                 data.put("sys", c);
         } catch (SQLException e) {
             System.out.println("SQL Exception: " + e.toString());

         // Einzelwert
         HashMap item = (HashMap) data.get(0);
         System.out.println("Einzelwerttest: " +item.get(""));

         // ALle Werte ausgeben
         for (HashMap<String, HashMap> c : data) {
             for (String key : c.keySet()) {
                 System.out.println(key + ": " + c.get(key));


i get alwys this error: cannot find symbol at this line

data.put("sys", c);

Whats wrong ?

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