Re: Can java.util.Properties store binary data

Dale King <>
Tue, 28 Nov 2006 07:58:47 -0500
Rebus77 wrote:


I am trying to write a class similar to java.lang.Properties, except
that the entries should be in order (alphabetically),

java.util.Properties is an example of why one should follow the design
principle of favoring composition over inheritance. Properties is a
subclass of Hashtable. That means it will always be backed by a
Hashtable. Instead they should have used composition and Properties
should have contained an instace of a Map and you would be able to
choose the Map implementation.

and it should
also be able to store binary data(ie public key and digital signature).

file, using Base64 to encode the binary data... but that puts '='s in
.... I am having some trouble reading the binary data back.

Properties only does text data. You have to convert it to text as you

The = should be insignificant after the initial separator between the
key and value. Are you sure that the problem is not that the base64 is
broken over more than one line and you are not escaping the newline?

  Dale King

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