Re: Why can't I downcast in the following code

Lew <>
Sun, 23 Oct 2011 23:17:59 -0700 (PDT)
Chad wrote:

Given the following...

class X {}
class Y extends X {}
class Z extends X {}

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        X x = new X();
        Y y = new Y();
        Z z = new Z();

        Y o6 = (Y) x; //<--error


I get this error...

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: X cannot be
cast to Y
        at Main.main(
Java Result: 1
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 0 seconds)

I thought I could cast X to Y since they inherited. Why doesn't it
work in this case?

Inheritance, as you have discovered, does not automatically allow casting.

Upcasting works as you describe; it's downcasting that is tricky. (In Java, an "upcast" is from an inheriting or descendant type to an ancestor type, a "downcast" is from a base or ancestor type to a descendant type.)

To understand this, remember that inheritance (both the 'extends' and the 'implements' variety) represents /is-a/. A descendant thingie /is-an/ ancestor thingie, so in your example,

class X {}
class Y extends X {}
class Z extends X {}

an instance of a 'Y' /is-an/ 'X', but not necessarily would every 'X' /be-a/ 'Y'.
An instance of a 'Z' /is-an/ 'X', but not necessarily would every 'X' /be-a/ 'Z'.

In no way can you say a 'Y' /is-a/ 'Z', nor that a 'Z' /is-a/ 'Y'. Neither one is the parent of the other.

Which is exactly why downcasting is tricky. If you cast an 'X' down to a 'Y', that might actually be a 'Z' you're trying to cast. Oops - 'ClassCastException'. You cannot cast a 'Z' to a 'Y'.

In your case it's worse. You already know that 'x' /is-not-a/ 'Y'. It's a plain old 'X', with nothing of a 'Y' about it. So when you try to cast it down to a 'Y', kaboom!

And by the way, you don't get an error for that, you get an exception for that.


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