Re: Create an Object from an Array Class
Thanks for the clarifications. I hope that my phrasing of the question
shows where I am stuck.
What I am intending to do is:
//here is how my program is flowing
String className = namesOfAllClasses[j]; //I have it coming through a
Class class1 = Class.forName(className);
Fields fields = class1.getDeclaredFields(); //assuming that all fields
are Class type (not primitive)
for (int i=0; i < fields.length; i++) {
Class newClass = Class.forName(fields[i].getType().getName()); //
create a class of the field type
Object newObject = newClass.newInstance(); //create an object of
the new field type
Method m = newClass.getMethod(methodName, newClass); /*get method;
we can assume it's "set"+fields[i].getName()*/
Object arguments[] = {"dummy"};
m.invoke(newObject, arguments);
When a field is someClass[], I am facing troubles since now the
fields[i].getType().getName() = L[;
In this case:
Class newClass = Class.forName(fields[i].getType().getName()) is
returning with a result (no exceptions)
But using the newInstance is generating exceptions since it's a
special-case class as you explained.
You have used
m.invoke(null, new String[0]); //it gave me back a
nullPointerRxception even though it's a static method
My problem is that the second parameter in invoke does not have to be
a String type for the parameter object but is an object instance of
the L[; (object array)
Example: This method looks like this in
public void setsomeObjectProperty([]
someObjectProperty) {
this.someObjectProperty= someObjectProperty;
Any tips?
Thanks again for your time
On Oct 30, 5:53 pm, Joshua Cranmer <Pidgeo...@verizon.invalid> wrote:
Z wrote:
I am using reflection to getmethod(methodName, Class parameters) and
invoke(object, obj[] parameters) methods from some Objects.
My problem is:
Say: I want to invoke a method that takes String[] object as parameter
(I was able to getmethod correctly). When I try to create an object
(to pass as args to invoke):
Object someObject= (Object) String[].class.newInstance();
(Note that the object is not always an instance of String[]... it
could be an instance of SomeOtherClass[])
[ From Class.newInstance(): ]
[ ... ]
InstantiationException - if this Class represents an abstract
class, an interface, an array class, a primitive type, or void; or if
the class has no nullary constructor; or if the instantiation fails for
some other reason.
[ ... ]
Arrays cannot be created with a new instance, because they are a
special-case class.
My question is:
Does the "[L" at the beginning and the ";" at the end have a meaning?
Yes, this is the internal representation of the class (it means that
this is an array of java.lang.String's).
How can I solve this problem?
What you are probable intending is something like this:
Method m = Class.forName("some.pkg.Type").getMethod("main",
m.invoke(null, new String[0]);
I am using IntelliJ 6.0.5.
Java version matters, not IDE version.
Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not
tried it. -- Donald E. Knuth