Re: My set fails

-Rick- <>
Sun, 23 Mar 2008 07:47:02 -0700 (PDT)
On Mar 23, 12:37 pm, Lew <> wrote:

-Rick- wrote:

   public boolean equals(Object o) {
       if (!(o instanceof SetTest))
           return false;
       SetTest s = (SetTest)o;
       if(s.getS1() == this.getS1() && s.getX1() == this.getX1())
           return true;
           return false;

How come you don't just
   return s.getS1() == this.getS1() && s.getX1() == this.getX1();

   public static void main(String[] args){
       System.out.println("The size of set is: " + set.size());

rossum wrote:

What is set.size()? You have not declared anything called "set" and
you have not defined a method called"size()".

-Rick- wrote:

   static protected Set<SetTest> set = new TreeSet<SetTest>();

And that is the reason I excoriate placing member declarations at the bottom.

The standard is to place them before method declarations:

To the OP: You cause confusion when you deviate from the standard or the few
allowable variations (e.g., the opening brace on its own line indented the
same as its control statement).


@Rossum: I put my class variables at the bottom. All of my java and c
++ literature puts them at the bottom. I'm hoping some of their
genius rubs off on me ;)
@Lew: I browsed your link and it talks of the order of writing
variables, not about putting them above or below your method code.

My error is that it outputs the results twice, ie:
Compiling 1 source file to C:\myJavaFiles\SetTest\build\classes
The size of set is: 6
1 One
1 Two
1 Two
2 One
2 One
1 One
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 5 seconds)

Last time I saw this error, it was a super constructor issue. But I
don't know about this one.
I abused the compareTo() because I'm trying to compare ints and the
compiler tells me that I ints can't be dereferenced.

@Lew: return s.getS1() == this.getS1() && s.getX1() == this.getX1();
doesn't work because it returns boolean and the compiler wants an int
(int compareTo()).

Could someone please help me out in this issue?

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