Re: Initializing Singletons

"Mike Schilling" <>
Thu, 8 May 2008 11:54:42 -0700
"Tom Anderson" <> wrote in message

On Thu, 8 May 2008, Jason Cavett wrote:

I'm curious - is it possible (and if so, how) to initialize a Singleton
class when the class used for initialization must also get an instance of
the Singleton class?

The way you want to do it, no.

Here's a pseudocode example to make that more clear...

class SingletonClass {

 private SingletonClass() {
      ConfigFileReader reader = new ConfigFileReader();;

 // other singleton stuff

class ConfigFileReader {

 public ConfigFileReader() {
   // do stuff

 public void read() {
   // read in the config file and get the appropriate information

I don't *think* what I want to do is possible. But, if it is, I'm not
sure how to do it. Any insight would be appreciated.

Are you writing ConfigFileReader? If so, make read take a SingletonClass
as a parameter:

class ConfigFileReader {
 public void read(SingletonClass singleton) {
 singleton.setValues(...) ;

That's probably the easiest way.

Or, if that's (for some reason) not possible, have two classes: the actual
singleton and the one the config reader creates.

class SingletonClass {

 private SingletonClass() {
      ConfigFileReader reader = new ConfigFileReader();;
 // other singleton stuff

class PersistentSingletonClass {
  // getters, setters, getInstance() etc.

class ConfigFileReader {
 public ConfigFileReader() {
   // do stuff
 public void read() {
  // read in the config file and get the appropriate information

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