Re: passing a Factory to a method to create a generic instance

Tom Anderson <>
Sat, 10 May 2008 14:37:27 +0100
On Sat, 10 May 2008, Mark Space wrote:

Tom Anderson wrote:

 public static List<AsignmentLoadable> loadAll(File file) {
    List<AsignmentLoadable> al =
          new ArrayList<AsignmentLoadable>();
    //List<String> lines = getLines(file);
    IOStream ios = new FileIOStream( file );

    while( (AssignmentLoadable a = getNextObject( ios )) != null )
      a.assignmentLoad( ios );
      al.add( a );
    return al;

On a style note, my beef with this design is that you have the potential to
have instantiated but uninitialised objects floating about, which makes me
nervous. I'd rather do it all properly in the constructor myself, so that
we have a guarantee that in all cases, instances are properly initialised.

a.assignmentLoad() is supposed to initialize the object, completely,
from the data read from ios. The only way that an object would be
improperly initialized would be if the data was bad or there was an IO
error in the middle of the stream. Or that's what I'm thinking.

Or if someone else called the constructor and didn't get round to calling
assignmentLoad. That's the kind of thing that worries me.

Also, i don't get what getNextObject(ios) is doing, or how it knows what
class to instantiate.

It's basically the same as my code below this (which I snipped). Read a
token from the stream, associate that token with a class, instantiate
the class with newInstance().

Okay, got it.

How about doing the assignmentLoad in the constructor? That would mean you
have to mass the ios into the constructor, which means using some more
complicated reflection to invoke it, rather than newInstance. I think like

Class<AssignmentLoadable> cl = determineObjectClass() ;
AssignmentLoadable a = cl.getConstructor(IOStream.class).newInstance(ios) ;

Plus various unexciting catch blocks, of course. That isn't so bad, is it?
It means one less method on the domain objects, and eliminates the
possibility of constructed but unloaded objects existing.

For the factory pattern, it might be better to use package private
constructors, then make the factory object part of the package, so it
has access to the constructors.

I like this idea!

Thanks. I got this idea primarily from working with JUnit. JUnit makes unit
test objects that are part of the same package as the classes they test. So
you have access to package private methods, although those methods are not
available to other classes outside the package. It's a handy little
back-door into a class.

I think of packages now as Java's way of implementing behavior like C++
"friend" classes.

Yes, exactly. Hey, turns out C++ still has some good ideas after all!


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