Re: Multidimensional arrays and arrays of arrays

Mark Space <>
Thu, 15 Jan 2009 09:19:09 -0800
Patricia Shanahan wrote:

  public static boolean isArrayOfArrays(Object x){
    Class<? extends Object> xClass = x.getClass();

Isn't "extends Object" redundant? The upper bound of all wildcards is
always Object.

I just happened to be writing some code similar to what the OP is asking
about. I was playing around with "Java lamda functions" and wanted to
see if I could make a method take any type of array, Collection, or Map.
  The following code is presented without further comment, just as an
example to inspire thought.

  * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
  * and open the template in the editor.
package evaluator;

import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

public class Eval1
      * @param args the command line arguments
     public static void main( String[] args ) throws LamdaException
         Evaluater<Double> evalPlus3 = new Evaluater<Double>()
             public Double eval( Double o )
                 return o + 3.0;
         Evaluater<Object> evalPrintln = new Evaluater<Object>()
             public Void eval( Object o ) {
                 System.out.println( o );
                 return null;
         EvaluaterTransform<Double,String> evalFmt = new
EvaluaterTransform<Double,String>() {
             public String eval( Double d ) {
                 return String.format( "%06.2g", d );

         EvaluaterAggregation<Double,String> fmtString =
                 new EvaluaterAggregation<Double,String>() {

             StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

             public void eval( Double o )
                 sb.append( String.format( "%06.2g", o));

             public String getResult()
                 return sb.toString();


         double[] dArray = {1.2, 2.3, 3.4};
         ArrayList<Double> dAL = new ArrayList<Double>();
         dAL.add( 4.5 );
         dAL.add( 5.6 );
         HashMap<String, Double> sdHM = new HashMap<String, Double>();
         sdHM.put( "one", 6.7 );
         sdHM.put( "two", 7.8 );
         System.out.println( Arrays.toString( (double[]) lamda( dArray,
evalPlus3 ) ) );
         System.out.println( lamda( dAL, evalPlus3 ) );
         System.out.println( lamda( sdHM, evalPlus3 ) );
         lamda( lamda(dArray, evalPlus3), evalPrintln );
         lamda( lamda(dArray, evalFmt), evalPrintln );
         // TODO car, cdr
         // lamdaFirst, lamdaSkipFirst ?
         // new class LamdaList which supports cdr car functions?

     public static Object lamda( Object array, EvaluaterTransform ev )
         if( !array.getClass().isArray() &&
                 isPrimitive() ) {
             throw new LamdaException( "Object must be primitive array,
was " +
                     array.getClass().getName() );
         Object retValue = Array.newInstance( Object.class, Array.getLength(
                 array ) );
         if( int.class == array.getClass().getComponentType() ) {
             for( int i = 0; i < Array.getLength( array ); i++ ) {
                 Array.set( retValue, i, ev.eval( Array.getInt( array, i
) ) );
         } else if( double.class == array.getClass().getComponentType() ) {
             for( int i = 0; i < Array.getLength( array ); i++ ) {
                 Array.set( retValue, i, ev.eval( Array.getDouble(
array, i ) ) );
         return retValue;

     public static Object lamda( Object o, Evaluater ev ) throws
         Object retval = null;
         if( o.getClass().isArray() ) {
             Class<?> arrayElementClass = o.getClass().getComponentType();
             Object newArray = Array.newInstance( arrayElementClass, Array.
                     getLength( o ) );
             if( !arrayElementClass.isPrimitive() ) {
                 for( int i = 0; i < Array.getLength( o ); i++ ) {
                     Array.set( newArray, i, ev.eval( Array.get( o, i ) ) );
             else if( double.class == arrayElementClass ) {
                 for( int i = 0; i < Array.getLength( o ); i++ ) {
                     Object result = ev.eval( Array.getDouble( o, i ) );
                     if( result != null ) {
                         Array.setDouble( newArray, i, (Double) ev.eval(
                             getDouble( o, i ) ) );
                     } else
                         Array.setDouble( newArray, i, 0.0 );
             else if( int.class == arrayElementClass ) {
                 for( int i = 0; i < Array.getLength( o ); i++ ) {
                     Array.setInt( newArray, i, (Integer) ev.eval(
                             Array.getInt( o, i ) ) );
             retval = newArray;
         else if( o instanceof Collection ) {
             Collection<?> input = (Collection<?>) o;
             try {
                 Collection<Object> newCollection =
                         (Collection<Object>) o.getClass().newInstance();
                 for( Object value : input ) {
                     newCollection.add( ev.eval( value ) );
                 retval = newCollection;
             catch( InstantiationException ex ) {
// Logger.getLogger( Evaluator.class.getName() ).
// log( Level.SEVERE, null, ex );
                 throw new LamdaCollectionInstanteationException( "class=" +
                         o.getClass().getName(), ex );
             catch( IllegalAccessException ex ) {
// Logger.getLogger( Evaluator.class.getName() ).
// log( Level.SEVERE, null, ex );
                 throw new LamdaCollectionInstanteationException( "class=" +
                         o.getClass().getName(), ex );
         else if( o instanceof Map ) {
             Map input = (Map) o;
             try {
                 Map newMap = input.getClass().newInstance();
                 Set<Map.Entry> keySet = input.entrySet();
                 for( Map.Entry key : keySet ) {
                     Object result = ev.eval( key.getValue() );
                     newMap.put( key.getKey(), result );
                 retval = newMap;
             catch( InstantiationException ex ) {
// Logger.getLogger( Evaluator.class.getName() ).
// log( Level.SEVERE, null, ex );
                 throw new LamdaMapInstanteationException( "class=" +
                         o.getClass().getName(), ex );
             catch( IllegalAccessException ex ) {
// Logger.getLogger( Evaluator.class.getName() ).
// log( Level.SEVERE, null, ex );
                 throw new LamdaMapInstanteationException( "class=" +
                         o.getClass().getName(), ex );


         return retval;

interface Evaluater<T>
     public T eval( T o );
// public Class<T> getType();

interface EvaluaterAggregation<T,U>
     public void eval( T o );
     public U getResult();
// public Class<T> getEvalType();
// public Class<U> getResultType();

interface EvaluaterTransform<T,U>
     public U eval( T t );
// public Class<T> getEvalType();
// public Class<U> getReturnType();

class LamdaException extends Exception
     public LamdaException( Throwable cause )
         super( cause );

     public LamdaException( String message, Throwable cause )
         super( message, cause );

     public LamdaException( String message )
         super( message );

     public LamdaException()

class LamdaMapInstanteationException extends LamdaException
     public LamdaMapInstanteationException()

     public LamdaMapInstanteationException( String message )
         super( message );

     public LamdaMapInstanteationException( String message, Throwable
cause )
         super( message, cause );

     public LamdaMapInstanteationException( Throwable cause )
         super( cause );

class LamdaCollectionInstanteationException extends LamdaException
     public LamdaCollectionInstanteationException()

     public LamdaCollectionInstanteationException( String message )
         super( message );

     public LamdaCollectionInstanteationException( String message,
             Throwable cause )
         super( message, cause );

     public LamdaCollectionInstanteationException( Throwable cause )
         super( cause );

abstract class LamdaList implements Cloneable, Serializable

     public LamdaListObject newLamdaList( Object [] o )
         return new LamdaListObject( o );

     public abstract LamdaList lamda( Evaluater e );
     public abstract double [] asDoubleArray();
     public abstract int [] asIntArray();
     public abstract LamdaList first();
     public abstract void first( Evaluater e );
     public abstract LamdaList skipFirst();
     public abstract void skipFirst( Evaluater e );
     public abstract boolean isPrimitive();
     public abstract boolean isPrimitiveDouble();
     public abstract boolean isPrimitiveInt();
     public abstract String toString();
     public abstract Object clone();

//class LamdaListObject extends LamdaList
class LamdaListObject
     Object [] oArray;

     LamdaListObject( Object[] o ){
         oArray = o;

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