Re: ArrayList grouping?

Piotr Kobzda <>
Thu, 21 May 2009 15:55:41 +0200
<gv3mgu$bhk$> wrote:


How can i do this transformation ?

There are many solutions to your problem possible.

One, a kind of general solution, may be using the following simple utility:

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

  * @param <E> the type of elements being grouped
  * @param <K> the type of grouping key
  * @param <V> the type of value associated with each group
public abstract class Grouper<E, K, V>
   private static class ValueHolder<V>
     V value;

     ValueHolder(V value)
       this.value = value;

   private Map<K, ValueHolder<V>> map = new HashMap<K, ValueHolder<V>>();

   protected abstract K keyOf(E e);
   protected abstract V createValue(E e, K key);
   protected abstract V updateValue(E e, K key, V value);

   public void add(E e)
     K key = keyOf(e);
     ValueHolder<V> valueHolder = map.get(key);
     if (valueHolder == null)
       valueHolder = new ValueHolder<V>(createValue(e, key));
       map.put(key, valueHolder);
       valueHolder.value = updateValue(e, key, valueHolder.value);

   public Map<K, V> toMap()
     Map<K, V> res = new HashMap<K, V>();
     for (Entry<K, ValueHolder<V>> e : map.entrySet())
       res.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue().value);
     return res;


The implementation provided may be redesigned and/or improved depending
on needs (especially implementing Iterable<Entry<K, V>> to allow direct
iteration of the inner map might be useful). But the idea presented
seems to be flexible enough in many typical grouping scenarios.

Below is an example based on your initial posting demonstrating intended
use of my simple utility:

import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

public class GrouperDemo

   static class Example
     Date date;
     Integer no;
     Integer salary;

     static final DateFormat dateFmt = new SimpleDateFormat("d.M.y");

     Example(String date, Integer no, Integer salary)
         throws ParseException
       this(dateFmt.parse(date), no, salary);

     Example(Date date, Integer no, Integer salary)
     { = date; = no;
       this.salary = salary;

     public String toString()
       return String.format("[%tF, %s, %s]", date, no, salary);

   static class DateNo
     Date date;
     Integer no;

     DateNo(Date date, Integer no)
     { = date; = no;

     public boolean equals(Object obj)
       return obj instanceof DateNo && equals((DateNo) obj);

     public boolean equals(DateNo other)
       return date.equals( && no.equals(;

     public int hashCode()
       return date.hashCode() ^ no.hashCode();

     public String toString()
       return String.format("[%tF, %s]", date, no);

   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
     List<Example> list
       = Arrays.asList(
         new Example("01.01.2009", 1, 10000),
         new Example("02.01.2009", 1, 20000),
         new Example("01.01.2009", 2, 30000));


     Grouper<Example, Date, Integer> gruper1
       = new Grouper<Example, Date, Integer>()

       protected Date keyOf(Example e)

       protected Integer createValue(Example e, Date key)
         return e.salary;

       protected Integer updateValue(Example e, Date key, Integer value)
         return value + e.salary;


     Grouper<Example, DateNo, Integer> gruper2
       = new Grouper<Example, DateNo, Integer>()

       protected DateNo keyOf(Example e)
         return new DateNo(,;

       protected Integer createValue(Example e, DateNo key)
         return e.salary;

       protected Integer updateValue(Example e, DateNo key,
           Integer value)
         return value + e.salary;


     for (Example e : list)

     List<DateNo> res1 = new ArrayList<DateNo>();
     for (Entry<Date, Integer> e : gruper1.toMap().entrySet())
       res1.add(new DateNo(e.getKey(), e.getValue()));

     List<Example> res2 = new ArrayList<Example>();
     for (Entry<DateNo, Integer> e : gruper2.toMap().entrySet())
           new Example(e.getKey().date, e.getKey().no, e.getValue()));



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