inheriting a main method

Ross <>
Mon, 14 Sep 2009 03:26:07 -0700 (PDT)
I would like to write a base class from which child classes inherit a
public static void main( String args[] ) method.

As readers can probably guess, but problem is that the main method
doesn't know which class to create to start the program running.

The parent class is called Game. I can't write a method:

public static void main( String args[] )
  Game g = new Game();
  g.setVisible( true );

as it runs the base class.

At present I have a method (simplified, from memory) which takes the
name of the class as a runtime argument. E.g.

public static void main( String args[] ) throws Exception
  Class c = Class.forName( args[0] );
  Game g = (Game) c.newInstance();
  g.setVisible( true );

This works, but requires the name of the class to be given as an
argument. If I could find out the name of the class that had been
executed, then I could solve this problem. But I've looked in the
System class properties, I've looked in Runtime, and I haven't found

Is there a solution to this problem? I would like the solution to be

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