Re: Why only public methods on interfaces?

From: (Stefan Ram)
10 Apr 2011 16:39:06 GMT
<> (Stefan Ram) writes: (Stefan Ram) writes:

A proxy could use several interfaces, one for public methods,
one for private methods. But ?private? to whom?

I want to give an example for what I was thinking about:

  Two compilets (aka SSCCEs):

  First: Make some methods of the interface callable only from
  a certain scope in a way so that calls from other scopes
  will be refuted already at compile time.

  Second: Add undocumented behavior to a public class so that
  the access can be obtained from a certain scope only by
  passing a private key object at runtime.

  First: Method ?example? can call ?method( Key )?, while
  Method ?main? can't:

class Example
  public static interface PublicInterface
  { public void method();
    public /* private intended */ void method( Key parameter ); }

  public static class Implementation implements PublicInterface
    public void method()
    { java.lang.System.out.println( "public" ); }

    public void method( final Key parameter )
    { java.lang.System.out.println( "private" ); }}

  /* This is the key for access to the private Interface */
  private static final class Key {}

  public static void example()
    /* Can get direct access to method( Key ) from here. */
    Example.PublicInterface publicInterface = new Example.Implementation();
    publicInterface.method( new Example.Key() ); }}

public class Main
{ public static void main( final java.lang.String[] args )
    /* Can't get direct access to method( Key ) from here. */
    Example.PublicInterface publicInterface = new Example.Implementation();
    Example.example(); }}

/* prints:

  Second: Method ?example? can call ?method( Key )?, while
  Method ?main? can't:

interface PublicInterface
{ public void method( java.lang.Object parameter ); }

class Example implements PublicInterface
  private interface PrivateInterface
  { public void privateMethod(); }

  private static class PrivateImplementation implements PrivateInterface
  { public void privateMethod()
    { java.lang.System.out.println( "private" ); }}

  final private PrivateImplementation privateImplementation =
  new PrivateImplementation();

  /* This is the key for access to the private Interface */
  private static class Acceptor
  { private PrivateInterface privateInterface;
    private void accept( final PrivateInterface privateInterface )
    { this.privateInterface = privateInterface; }
    private PrivateInterface get()
    { return this.privateInterface; }}

  public void method( final java.lang.Object parameter )
  { if( parameter instanceof Acceptor )
    { final Acceptor acceptor =( Acceptor )parameter;
      acceptor.accept( privateImplementation ); }
    { java.lang.System.out.println( "public" ); }}

  public static void example()
    /* Can get direct access to PrivateInterface from here. */
    final PublicInterface publicInterface = new Example();
    final Acceptor acceptor = new Acceptor();
    publicInterface.method( acceptor );
    PrivateInterface privateInterface = acceptor.get();
    privateInterface.privateMethod(); }


public class Main
  public static void main( final java.lang.String[] args )
    /* Can't get direct access to PrivateInterface from here. */
    PublicInterface publicInterface = new Example();
    publicInterface.method( null );
    ( ( Example )publicInterface ).example( ); }}

/* prints:

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