Re: Partially overriding a method?

Lew <>
Thu, 21 Apr 2011 12:42:17 -0400
On 04/21/2011 11:31 AM, wrote:

I was wondering if it is possible to override a method but only for
certain sub-classes of the method that the super-class supports.

You need to clean up your language. In Java there is no such thing as a
"subclass of a method". Only classes have subclasses, or more generally, only
types have subtypes. Imprecise descriptions lead to error.

There is no such thing as "partially overriding a method" in Java. Use the
'@Override' annotation in your code. It will help you see that a method
either does or does not override another. It's binary, either-or,
black-and-white, is-or-is-not. Predictably, verifiably, completely, utterly
and as supported by '@Override', you can tell if a method is or is not an
override. Period.


For example:

class MainClass {

     public static void main(String[] args) {


         MainClass mc = new SubClass();



     void check(Object x) {


class SubClass extends MainClass {

     void check(String x) {
         System.out.println("Sub class: " + x);


The call to mc.check() calls the main class's version of the method.

You should use the '@Override' annotation. Attempting to use it on
'SubClass#check(String x)' would have shown you that it does not override
'MainClass#check(Object x)'.

However, if I change the sub-class to:

class SubClass extends MainClass {

     void check(Object x) {
         System.out.println("Sub class: " + x);


then it uses the sub-class always.

Well, yeah. That's by design, yes?

Again, you should use '@Override' here. The reason the invocation in your
example calls the override is because that's the whole point of overrides!

One option would be something like:

class SubClass extends MainClass {

     void check(Object x) {
         if(x instanceof String) {
         } else {

     void check(String x) {
         System.out.println("Sub class: " + x);


This would override and only use the sub-class for processing Strings.

Rather imprecisely phrased. If by that you mean, "'check(Object)' overrides,
but the specialization 'check(String)' does not, therefore references to the
latter through a 'SubClass' reference will not invoke the override," then you
are correct.

I took the liberty of turning your example into an actual SSCCE, something you
should have done. I've also changed the class names so that the stupid
compound part 'Class' is no longer part of them.

<sscce source="/com/lewscanon/eegee/" >
package com.lewscanon.eegee;

  * DoesItOverride.
public class DoesItOverride
    * main.
    * @param args String [] argument array.
   public static void main( String [] args )
     DoesItOverride doesIt = new Rider();
     Rider orider = new Rider();

     System.out.print( "doesIt: ");
     doesIt.check( "Test doesIt" );

     System.out.print( "doesIt: ");
     doesIt.check( Integer.valueOf( 7 ) ); // eschew autoboxing

     System.out.print( "orider: ");
     orider.check( "Test rider" );

     System.out.print( "orider: ");
     orider.check( Integer.valueOf( 7 ) );

    * check.
    * @param x Object.
   public void check( Object x )
     System.out.println( "parent check(Object): "+ x );

class Rider extends DoesItOverride
   public void check( Object x )
     System.out.println( "subtype check(Object): "+ x );

    * check.
    * @param x String - not an override.
// @Override
/* ^^ Causes compilation error:
   The method check(String) of type Rider
   must override or implement a supertype method
   public void check( String x )
     System.out.println( "subtype check(String): "+ x );


doesIt: subtype check(Object): Test doesIt
doesIt: subtype check(Object): 7
orider: subtype check(String): Test rider
orider: subtype check(Object): 7

If you are still thinking in terms of "classes", you have much progress yet to

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