Re: date problems.......

Knute Johnson <>
Sun, 10 Dec 2006 20:38:07 -0800
maya wrote:

Knute Johnson wrote:

maya wrote:


I'm trying to write a little program to send myself email reminders
at a date in the future... I wrote a little interface in which I
send the date, body of e-mail.. etc...

problem is date being set is exactly one month into the future from
when I set it.. if I say, for example, send me e-mail on Dec. 12,
when I print out date I sent in form, it prints Jan 12, 2007... to wit:

process info sent with request:

sDate = getParameter("date");
mDate = Integer.parseInt(sDate);
sMonth = getParameter("month");
month = Integer.parseInt(sMonth);
sYear = getParameter("year");
year = Integer.parseInt(sYear);

set date based on info sent with request:

Calendar calDate = Calendar.getInstance();
out.println("calDate: " + calDate + "<br><br>");
   // this prints confusing stuff.. can't make out exactly
   // what date this returns...

calDate.set(Calendar.YEAR, year);
out.println("year: " + year + "<br>");
  // (prints what I expect..)

calDate.set(Calendar.MONTH, month);
out.println("month: " + month + "<br>");
   // (ditto..)

calDate.set(Calendar.DATE, mDate);
out.println("date: " + mDate + "<br><br><br>");
   // (ditto..)

java.util.Date sendDate = calDate.getTime();

out.println("date to send email: " + sendDate + "<br><br>") ;
// this prints a diff date from values that print above...
// (one month later than date I set..)

entire code is here..

thank you...

Could this be the problem?


public static final int MONTH

    Field number for get and set indicating the month. This is a
calendar-specific value. The first month of the year in the Gregorian
and Julian calendars is JANUARY which is 0; the last depends on the
number of months in a year.

oh my gosh -- what a jerk.. I should have KNOWN months of the year
start at 0... ;)
(it wasn't too clear this was the problem b/c ENTIRE date looked off if
I ran it on my website (clock is off at my webhosting, it prints
different date/time (& diff time zone) from what prints on my localhost...)

many thanks..

no problem :-)


Knute Johnson
email s/nospam/knute/

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