Re: Wrapper for multiple instanceof

Patricia Shanahan <>
Tue, 21 Aug 2007 18:31:24 -0700
Joshua Cranmer wrote: wrote:

Recently I have been trying to do a multiple instanceof and thought it
would be better to write a function than do those ugly || with
repeated instanceofs'.

Most instanceof's can be replaced with good OOP design.

public class MyInstance
    public static boolean check(Object obj, String...classes) throws
        boolean result = false;
        for(String str : classes)
            Class c = Class.forName(str);
            result = result | (obj instanceof c);
            if(result) break;

Err.. ugly and uncompilable? The proper or for a boolean variable is ||
(short circuit boolean or) as opposed to | (bitwise or). This isn't C(++).

"|", in Java, is not just bitwise or. It is also a correct, but rarely
used, boolean operator, performing the same operation as "||" but always
evaluating the right hand side. See

In this case, it makes no difference which of "|" or "||" is used. The
left hand side is always false so the right hand side has to be
evaluated even with "||".

However, it is a good idea to make a habit of using "||" unless there
is a reason to force evaluation of the right hand side when the left
hand side is true.


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